2020 is here! Time to sit down and write out your goals. What is it that you want to accomplish this year?


Giving back to myself is top on my list this year. Every day, I consume myself with getting the kids off to school, driving to their sports, helping with homework, getting to work, making dinner and on and on. You get it because I know you are there with me.  This year, I need to start giving back to myself with little thoughtful gifts of happiness. To me…from me.  I’m pledging to give myself a tiny gift of $10 each month to put a little smile on my face. A little treat just for me. Here is my list of favorite tiny gift ideas. Maybe it will inspire you to do the same.


  1. $10 gift card for Coffee.  Coffee makes me happy and a latte makes me even happier. $10 will get me at least two latte’s this month.  Definitely a must give to me, from me.
  2. Cuddle up with a good book. The bedroom door is shut. 20 minutes of alone time scheduled just for me and a book.  Heaven is a $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble and some time alone.
  3. Self Pampering—tiny style. At this stage in life, it’s often the tiny things that make me happy like having painted toenails. I love the latest and greatest colors but sometimes I need a little nudge to actually splurge. This year, I’m going to gift myself a $10 Ulta gift card and get this season’s hottest color.
  4. Cozy Socks. A couple of years ago, a friend mentioned how amazing new socks felt. She was carrying on about their softness, fit and how happy she was. Hmmm, can’t remember the last time I bought socks and I’m pretty sure they were the cheapest ones I could find.  This year, I’m going to give myself a thoughtful gift of $10 to TJ Maxx to get some new, fuzzy, cozy socks. 
  5. Fun Pens. Every day, I make my to-do list at work with fun colored Sharpie markers. It just makes me happy to have a good pen with a fun color. I’m going to splurge and give myself a $10 gift card to Staples for new pens. Happiness.


Now that I made my list of gifts to me. I have a tip on how to execute. Buy and schedule all your gift cards at once. Pick the digital gift cards you want, click on send to a friend, enter your information as the recipient and click set date. I’ve set one gift card to arrive at the beginning of each month for the entire year. It will be my little treat to myself and a reminder to take care of me. Happy New Year!

Small Thoughtful Gifts